UM School of Law
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Project Bio
The University of Mississippi — Oxford, Mississippi
The School of Law, established in 1854 had been housed in its current structure since 1978. Although serving the school well for many years, the current building Lamar Hall has become inadequate to support the school’s programs and technology. The new 155,000 gross square foot building provides for the development of high-quality teaching environments, integration and leveraging of technology, accommodation of the evolving pedagogy within the academic program and enhancement of the interaction and interdependence of the law school community. The new School of Law building is a three-story, concrete frame, brick-clad classroom building of approximately 155,000 GSF located on the west side of the Oxford campus. The Greek revival style red brick building has limestone trim and a red metal roof. In addition to the building structure, the 22.5-acre site will be developed to provide an appropriate setting for the new building while providing parking for 400 cars.
Relevant Service(s)
Conceptual Design
Interior Design