Our Work /

St. Martin High School

St. Martin, MS

St. Martin a complete high school campus consisting of three parts; a two story Classroom Building/FEMA Hurricane Shelter, an Extra- Curricular Building and an internal courtyard to connect the two buildings. The extra-curricular building consists of the art classrooms, band hall, media center, cafeteria and gymnasium. The design incorporates an intriguing serpentine ceiling design that carries a user from the lobby through the media center to the cafeteria. The art classrooms were designed to have large quantities of diffused natural light and an abstract ceiling design inspired by clouds. The Media Center is designed with large windows with seating areas, providing natural light and views to the triangular courtyard outside. The internal courtyard space connects the classroom/Shelter building to the extra-curricular by overlaying expected student paths in a organic system of pathways and student seating. The upgraded school shelter is a Partnered Mitigation Project (PMP), which use federal funds to repair or replace public facilities while making them stronger. The school will be funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) program and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The school’s windows are impact-rated for large and small wind-borne debris, capable of bearing a wind load of 200 miles per hour. The doors are constructed from heavy gauge steel and have a structural, rather than hollow, inside. A special Notification of Acceptance from the Miami- Dade County Building Code Compliance Office was given to all of the shelter’s windows, doors and louvers.

Size: 188,000 SF
Cost: $43,000,000
Date of Completion: 2010