MGCCC Hospitality & Resort Management
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Project Bio
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College — Biloxi, Mississippi
The Hospitality and Resort Management Center is designed to showcase the highly regarded MGCCC Culinary School, provide general academic instructional space, and provide conference, exhibit and banquet space for both college and public use.
The building is sited across a main thoroughfare from the main Campus Green and is highly visible to the public. The design was organized around a monumental, street-facing atrium concourse that provides public views of the activity in the facility. The culinary school functions, including culinary labs, demonstration kitchen, and faculty offices are arranged around a “learning corridor” with all the labs and teaching spaces visible to students and visitors to promote the college’s desire to put the curriculum on display. Meeting and banquet rooms are organized along the atrium concourse in addition to a café that is staffed by students and open to the public. General academic spaces are located on second level and arranged to capture views and borrowed light from the central concourse.