MGCCC Immersive Media Performing Arts Center (iMPAC)
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Project Bio
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College — Gulfport, Mississippi
The Immersive Media Performing Arts Center (IMPAC) includes a 1200-seat theater, instructional space for theatrical, lighting, and sound technology programs, faculty offices and conference rooms, and a multi-purpose black box space. The client’s goals were a facility that was multi-functional and interactive for both college and community use where the curriculum could be highlighted and promoted.
The building was sited as a defining component of the main campus green space and for maximum visibility from the adjacent public street. The design was developed as a four-level building with one level partially below grade to minimize the perceived height of the facility. The two main levels are organized around a light-filled atrium lobby that allows views from and into the lobby from the adjacent campus green. The lobby is designed to serve as an art gallery and a event space for both college and public events. The instructional and related spaces are made visible from public areas, putting the curriculum on display to other students and visitors alike. The theater seating occurs on multiple levels including a “Queen’s row” and tiered boxes to allow for flexible VIP seating and ensures that the farthest seat is only 80 feet from the stage, creating a large but intimate performance venue. A monumental sculptural metal screen at the main entry visually alludes to a theatrical scrim and provides a “marquee” element when lighted at night. A tiered entry sequence doubles as amphitheater seating for student gatherings and outdoor performances.
Relevant Service(s)
Conceptual Design
Campus Planning
Cost Estimation