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Project Bio
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College — Harrison County, Mississippi
This facility is designed to showcase MGCCC’s STEM curriculum. The placement of the facility at the western edge of the campus is intended to act as a catalyst for expansion on this previously undeveloped site as well as act as a defining visual entry element.
The facility is organized around a central atrium lobby and two distinct wings, one housing physical science classrooms and labs and the other housing cybersecurity classrooms, research areas and labs. The College wished to create an interactive facility that showcased the curriculum and encouraged student interaction and exchange of ideas. To this end, the design incorporates numerous open student areas with space for group activities as well as individual breakout spaces for private study. Faculty offices are adjacent to common student areas to encourage impromptu interactions between students and faculty. Views into the individual labs put the curriculum on display to further generate excitement about the academic programs.
Relevant Service(s)
Conceptual Design
Campus Planning
Cost Estimation