MSU Richard A. Rula School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
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Project Bio
Mississippi State University — Starkville, Mississippi
Located at the corner of Hardy and Morill Road, the Richard A. Rula Engineering and Science Complex is comprised of classrooms, offices, research and chemistry labs, in addition to high-bay areas. The dedicated research and teaching labs help support and advance the school’s technical strengths in areas included but not limited to: construction, environmental, geotechnical, and structural engineering.
The building has a contextual response to the site with an appearance that seamlessly fits into the campus fabric. It has brick with limestone trim on the exterior set to the scale of the original campus building such as Lee and McCain Hall. The building is organized around an “L” parti, with the high bay occupying most of one leg of the “L”. The main pedestrian entrance is from the intersection of Hardy Road and Morrill Road. The High Bay access is from the parking lot off Hardy Road.
Relevant Service(s)
Conceptual Design
Feasibility Studies
Campus Planning
Cost Estimation