NWMCC Heindl Performing Arts Center
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Project Bio
Northwest Mississippi Community College — Senatobia, Mississippi
The Heindl Center for the Performing Arts includes a 1200-seat theater, instructional space for theatrical, lighting, and sound technology programs, faculty offices and conference rooms, and spaces for the college’s band and choral programs. The client requested that the design be multi-functional to accommodate the heavy public use anticipated in this very rural area of Northwest Mississippi.
The building was sited as a defining feature of the North entry to campus and fronts a public highway. The design was developed around two distinct functional components – the music department and the theater – which share common spaces between. The theater faces towards campus across a spacious plaza and presents a neo-classical façade in keeping with the historic campus architecture. The Band and choral wing face towards the highway and entry drive and allows direct access to an existing band practice field to the west of the facility. Because of the public use of the facility, the lobby was designed to double as an art gallery and event space. A large conference space adjacent to the lobby provides a pre- function space for catered events and separate private events.
Relevant Service(s)
Campus Planning
Conceptual Design
Cost Estimation