Ohr O’Keefe Museum of Art
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Project Bio
Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art — Biloxi, Mississippi
Eley Guild Hardy served as the Executive Architect of Record for the Ohr-O’Keefe Museums of Art. This prominent ceramics museum was designed by Frank O. Gehry, the celebrated architect responsible for the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum and the Disney Concert Hall. Celebrating the innovative, independent, and creative spirit of its namesake, the nine stainless steel-clad structures intertwine with the ancient live oak grove that existed on the site for a century or more, in what Gehry envisioned to be a “dance with the trees”. These edifices house the famed work of Mississippi Coast native George E. Ohr, the legendary “Mad Potter of Biloxi.”
Joint venture with Gehry Partners, LLP
Relevant Service(s)
Conceptual Design
Master Planning
Cost Estimation